Motivasyon mektubu nasıl yazılır?

Yüksek lisans derecesi için bir motivasyon mektubu yazmak sıkıcı geliyor olabilir. Üşenmen gayet normal. Ama iki dakikanı ayırıp aşağıdaki örnekleri incelersen daha iyisini yazabileceğine eminim. (evet subliminal mesaj veriyorum)

niyet mektubu örneği

Motivasyon mektubu neden yazılır?

Motivasyon mektubu hem akademik profesyonel geçmişinizi sergilemeniz hem de program için neden mükemmel bir aday öğrenci olduğunuzu göstermeniz için bir fırsat sağlıyor.

Bu detay aslında mektubu neden yazdığımızı anlatıyor. Evet kabul almaya çalışırken kendimizi ifade etmek için mektubumuzu kaleme alıyoruz.

İşte tam da bu sebeple motivasyon mektubu başvuru sürecinizde çok önemli bir adımdır. Aşağıya güçlü bir motivasyon mektubu hazırlamanıza yardımcı olacak bazı ipuçları bırakıyoruz:

(Merak etmeyin son rötuşlar bizden gelecek)

giriş cümlesi

1.     Kısa bir girişle başlayın:

Kendinizi tanıtarak başlayın. Ama bu kendini tanıtma okuyan kişiyi boğmasın. Başvurduğunuz derece programının ismini yazın . Başvurduğunuz üniversiteden bahsedin bu da karşı tarafı övme çabaları olacak tabi. Sonrasında neden o kurumda öğrenci olmak istediğinizi açıklayın.

cv - akademik ve mesleki geçmiş

2.     Akademik ve mesleki geçmişinizi vurgulayın:

Akademik ve mesleki başarılarınıza genel bir bakış sağlayın. Bunların sizi başvurduğunuz Yüksek Lisans programına nasıl hazırladığını açıklayın. (kardeşim ben biliyorum bu işi egosu yapmadan tatlı bir dil kullanın) Kurs, staj, araştırma projeleri veya diğer akademik faaliyetler gibi en alakalı deneyimlerinize odaklandığınızdan emin olun.

motivasyon ve hedef

3.     Hedeflerinizi ve motivasyonlarınızı tartışın:

Yüksek lisans yapmakla neden ilgilendiğinizi ve bunun kariyer hedeflerinize ulaşmanıza nasıl yardımcı olacağını açıklayın. Evet bu mektubun biraz abartılı olduğunu düşünmeye başlıyor olabilirsin. Ama sabır az kaldı. Programın ilgi alanlarınız ve isteklerinizle nasıl örtüştüğüne ve akademik topluluğa nasıl katkıda bulunmayı planladığınıza dair belirli örnekler verin.

üniversite programları

4.     Program ve üniversite hakkındaki bilginizi gösterin:

Yüksek Lisans programını ve üniversiteyi kapsamlı bir şekilde araştırın. Ardından ilginizi çeken belirli dersleri, araştırma projelerini veya öğretim üyelerini vurgulayarak ne kadar kapsamlı bir ön hazırlık yaptığınızı gösterin. Sizin için mutlaka ilgi çekici bir yönü vardır. (olmasa da olmuş gibi yapalım) Üniversitede mevcut olan kaynak ve fırsatlardan nasıl yararlanmayı planladığınızı açıklayın.

kapanış cümlesinin önemi

5.     Güçlü bir kapanış cümlesiyle bitirin:

Motivasyonlarınızı ve hedeflerinizi özetleyin. Eminim hala motive ve burada bu yazılanları okuyorsunuzdur. Programa ve üniversiteye olan ilginizi ifade edin. Mektubu, kabul komitesine dikkate aldıkları için teşekkür ederek bitirin.

Mektubunuzu dikkatlice düzeltmeyi unutmayın ve iyi yapılandırılmış, özlü ve okunması kolay olduğundan emin olun. Başvuruda bol şans dilerim.

Motivasyon Mektubu Örnekleri:

Aşağıda bulunan bir kaç örneği incelyebilir, kenisinize göre uyarlamalar yapabilirsiniz 🙂

International Relations was the only choice for a major in my mind when I was applying for my undergraduate degree four years ago. In these last four years I have never doubted my decision. The interesting thing I have realized about myself was that I have processed all of the information and knowledge I have built up, in terms of how they may apply to restructuring the social global order.

In order to clarify my point I should provide a little about myself. I was born and raised in Istanbul as the daughter of a financially secure family. I was fortunate enough to receive the best education there is in Turkey. My parents have provided me with all things sensible yet the most important thing they have given me was the awareness that I really was among the fortunate and there were people who were not so. I was taught to not only appreciate what I was born into but also be aware, responsive, and responsible to what I observed in my surroundings and not assume the world to be as I, a young privilaged woman of 22, have experienced it to be. Nothing my parents have given me means more to me today than this consciousness; the influence of which has significantly shaped my expectations from the future as a student of International Relations.

Throughout my educational life I have paid more attention to international institutions and channels, especially the United Nations, through which the world can be changed. I see an inexplicable injustice in the global order today and a necessity for change that is so long overdue has inherently been in my mind the entire time. In the reality of the abundance of resources to be employed; the failure, if not the unwillingness, of the international community to act is puzzling and saddening.

I owe it to myself to pursue a path in social and global development. I plan to devote my time and energy to institutions such as United Nations Development Programme, that can facilitate a fundamental change in the global order. I want to employ my enthusiasm and practical knowledge to redistrubution and channeling of the resources to where they are most needed. Therefore I believe your institution’s Globalisation: Risk, Inequality, and Security MA Program is precisely the graduate program that will equipt me adequately for my future orientations.

I have been taking a course on International Security and Conflict and through this course I have realized what interested me the most about Conflict Studies was the conditions leading up to a conflict and its aftermath. As a citizen of a nation that has suffered severe consequences concerning the south-eastern regions due to lack of development and inefficient distribution of national resources, I have developed a sensitivity and a hunger for more education on development and this MA Program will accompany my aspirations most perfectly.

I am a goal-oriented student. I wanted to study International Relations and I chose Koc University specifically because I believed this institution would provide me with the most challenging and in the end most rewarding education possible in Turkey. The first two years at this institution, I was required to get through a vigorous set of common core courses including Psychology, Science, Calculus, and Statistics. Come the Junior year however, as I passed all my required core courses and finally began taking my area electives, I realized that the act of studying comes effortlessly if you’re studying what you are eager to learn. The effects of this are apparent on my Academic Transcript. With the added influence of my transition from a teenager to a young person with future goals and motivations, my GPA has risen each consequent semester.

I know that if I sign up for something, and voluntarily too, I can be effectively good at it. Thus I am sure that I will excel at my graduate studies at Brookes’ Globalisation: Risk, Inequality, and Security MA Program, if given the opportunity.

Bir diğer örneğe bakalım mı?

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a currently studying at University of Turkish Aeronautical Association – Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics and I am writing to apply for the Politecnico di Milano University Space Engineering Master Program. I am a 4rt grade student and I will finish my BSc Astronautical Engineering at the University of Turkish Aeronautical Association in 2018.  University of Turkish Aeronautical Association is the first and only university in Turkey specializing in aviation and aerospace. It was established by the Aviation Foundation of the Turkish Aeronautical Association. Thereby, TAA has a deep background thanks to its experience and intellectual knowledge gained through the activities in the fields of aeronautics and astronautics since 1925. In my university I earned honor student by ensuingly in two terms with above 3.00 GPA. Now, my GPA is 3.14 and I believe I will further improve this score this year.

My aim is to continue my education in Italy. I am aware of the high qualifications, facilities and opportunities Italy universities including yours have. I believe, studying in the Politecnico di Milano University will bring me more opportunity than anywhere else in the world. Along with the academic sides of my education, I am sure that Italy will satisfy my cultural and artistic activity needs as well. I am a kind of person who is always open and ready for different experiences. I think that this is because I can adapt very easily to different environments and cultures. I welcome challenges and enjoy dealing with tough situations which I believe strengthens my personality. Recognizing other religions and cultures had been a unique experience that brought me a point of view which is globalized, indulgent and understanding.

 I foresee that being a student of your institution, in all aspects of life, will distinguish me and put me one-step ahead of others. I am looking forward to the possibility of my university education at your prestigious institution.

I am keen to apply and further develop my technical skills and knowledge further and extremely interested in studying for your university because of the range and variety of projects your university has been involved in and also the quality of service it provides worldwide.  I am a quick learner, highly responsible and flexible and I have a firm belief I will be able to perform to the required level and exceed expectations.

As you can see from my CV and Transcript, my degree has provided me with a sound technical background covering modules in Orbital Mechanics, Space Environment, Rocket Propulsion, Heat Transfer, Spacecraft Thermal Control, Radar Systems, Plasma Physics and Engineering, Control Systems, and for the my final year project I am planning to do it related to Satellites Communication Systems. I have a combination of skills to be successful in my career.  Firstly, a strong interest backed by a state of the art education.  My love of learning new things, problem-solving skills has helped me throughout my education and I am sure will help me throughout my career. 

I can be available for an interview at your earliest convenience.  If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.  I will look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

Bu iki örnek hala yeterli olmadıysa aşağıdaki butonları kullanarak daha fazla örnek indirebilirsiniz 🙂
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